Get Lean, Loose Fat, and Gain Muscle
Calorie Counting Strategies
If you want to get lean, loose fat, and gain muscle, then counting calories is the best strategy. Let’s look at how it works. First, find out your basal metabolic rate (BMR) by multiplying your weight in pounds by 10-14 depending on age and gender. This will give you an estimate of how many calories are needed to maintain your current weight every day with no activity-related lifestyle factors like exercise or physical labor. Next, track your calorie intake for a few days using a food journal or smartphone app that has this feature built in; most do these days! Finally, adjust until reaching the desired goal: more muscle mass or less body fat? The mushroom dispensary Toronto gives you opportunity to actually relax and enjoy activities even more.
The first thing you should do is determine your basal metabolic rate (BMR) by multiplying your weight in pounds by 11-14 depending on age and gender. This will give you an estimate of how many calories are needed to maintain your current weight every day with no activity related lifestyle factors like exercise or physical labor.
Next, track your calorie intake for a few days using a food journal or smartphone app that has this feature built in; most do these days! Finally, adjust until reaching the desired goal: more muscle mass or less body fat?
Another thing you can do is reduce calories by 300-500 daily and increase your exercise to burn the extra energy. This strategy will help you lose weight in a steady way without feeling too hungry or deprived of snacks! You’ll get all the benefits of losing fat, but not as quickly as if you were trying to maintain your current weight when dieting.